Wednesday, February 11, 2009

DVD Review Part 1-Foo Fighters Live At Wembley Stadium

For those of you who know me well, you know how much of a huge  Foo Fighters fan I am.  They have always been my all time favorite band ever since "Colour And The Shape" came out back in 1997.  "My Hero" was always my favorite song from them and always will be.  FF recently released a live concert dvd of them playing their sold out concert at Wembley Stadium to a crowd of about 86,000 people.  That's right, 86,000 people! That's about a Wrestlmania sized crowd right there!  If you watch the dvd, you can believe it cause there's just a huge sea of fans all over the place.  The concert was amazing and I wish I could have been there for that being the band's biggest concert in their 14 year career together.  They had the 4 main band members, Dave, Taylor, Nate and Chris, along with former FF member Pat Smear returning for the tour to help out on guitar for most of the set, as well as some back up musicians doing keyboards, percussion, strings and back up vocals.  The energy of the concert and the crownd was just amazing, and of course Dave being his usually goofy self at times.  Taylor even did lead vocals on a couple of songs.  The biggest treat was when Jimmy Paige and John Paul Jones of Led Zepplin came out to jame with Dave and Taylor doing "Rock And Roll" and "Ramble On", While playing "Rock And Roll", Taylor got off the drums and did the lead voclas while Dave when back to his roots as drummer of Nirvana and got on the drums for this song.  To see a unity of 2 great bands in the rock and roll era was just AMFUCKINAZING! (Yes, that's right AMFUCKINAZING! Figure it out yourself.)  So for all you Foo Fighter Fans, Led Zepplin fans, and just Rock fans in gneneral, I would highly suggest this dvd to you.  Besides, it's gona be the last one from them for a long time since FF is on a pretty lengthy hiatus now.  Which really sucks considering I've never got to see them live, but this dvd definitly makes up for it.  Thanks for all the great times that you shared my life and for making some songs that I put in the soundtrack of my life.  Dave, Taylor, Nate and Chris, cheers to you guys!

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