Wednesday, February 11, 2009

DVD Review Part 2-VIva La Raza: The Legacy Of Eddie Guerrero

Disc 1-Ya know, it's great to see more of what Eddie Guerrero was all about.  The first disc started showing him growing up in the legandary Guerrero family, him starting of as a tag team partner to the late Art Barne, and him breaking into ECW.  It shows commetary by family members Vicke and Chavo, and peers Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Ric Flair and Jim Ross.  Matches include his matches in ECW against 2 Cold Scorpio and Dean Malenko, and his matches into WCW against Dean Malenko, Chris Jericho, Rey Mysterio, Juvi, Psicosis, Ric Flair, and some guy from New Japan Pro Wrestling (forgot his name).  It shows how, and I agree with this, the young guys in WCW were so overlooked.  His matches with Rey Mysterio, Chris Jericho, Ulitmo Dragon and Dean Malenko were just great classics IMO.  They paid to much attention to guys like Hogan, Savage, Sting and Flair, and not enough to the young guys (reminds me of what TNA is doing currently).  My fav matches so far are a tie between him and Jericho and him and Ultimo Dragon. 


Disc-2: This disc shows Eddie starting in WWE when he came with Benoit, Malenko and Saturn.  Shows him starting his fueds with Jericho, Matt Hardy, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Edge, and Brock Lesnar all the way up to him winning the WWE Championship in 2004.  Shows him winning the defunct WWE European Title, the Intercontenintal Title, The WWE Tag Titles, The US Title, and the WWE Title.  You get commentary from Vickie Guerrero, Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, Jeff Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Chavo Guerrero, Edge, Chavo Sr, and John Cena. You get matches of Eddie against Chris Jericho, Matt Hardy, RVD, Jeff Hardy, Edge, John Cena, Brock Lesnar, Chavo Guerrero, and with Chavo as Los Guerreros against Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas.  You also get the Los Guerreros Vingettes in the special features section.  This dvd collection keeps getting better.  My fav match of this disc is Eddie vs Cena in the Parking Lot Brawl and Eddie vs Edge for the US Title against Edge on SD back in 2003


Disc 3-This disc goes from his title reign as WWE Champion all the way to his last match with Ken Kennedy.  Starts off with his match against Rey Mysterio for the WWE Title, his fued with JBL, his heel turn and fued with Rey Mysterio, and his fued with Batista.  Commentary is provided by Vickie Guerrero, Chavo Guuerrero, Chavo, Sr, Batista, JBL, Rey Mysterio, Micahel Cole, Ric Flair, Matt and Jeff Hardy, Chris Jericho, Dean Malenko, Mick Foley, Jerry Lawler and others.  My fav match on this disc is the match against JBL at Judgement Day 2004, and his match against Batsista at No Mercy 2005.

This whole disc set is great and truely shows how great Eddie was.  I highly recomned it to any fans of wrestling or fans of Eddie.  Viva La Raza!

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