Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Thankfully, I’m Thankfull

Well, with Turkey Day upon us, it is once again time for us to say what we're thankfull for.  For me, there's a lot of thing I can be thankfull for.  I'm thankfull mainly to be in bigger steps in my life than I was last thanksgiving.  I've got a better job, living in a house in a good area vs a one bedroom apartment in the ghetto, got some great friends that I keep adding to my group of friends, as well as thankfull for my best friend and roomie Adam who's had my back through this crazy adventurous life of mine.  I'm also thankfull for my family who are happy as long as I am which took forever for that to happen.  Tell you one thing though, I'll be even more thankfull when this holiday season is over with.  People tend to show their true insanity durring this time of year and I don't like dealing with it, but I do to keep my job so I can keep paying my bills and living my life. 

Oh, an update on what's been going on, I have a new website for my online show title Mikael's Corner, the website is at and finally a new episode will be up on saturday for your viewing pleasure.  I'm also in the process of starting to write the first story to ever be written by myself, and will be followed up by another one after that.  Also sometime next month I will be getting a better movie maker so I can make better tribute videos and the first one will be for ECW Champion Matt Hardy.  Also if you haven't read my 2 latest blogs, you should.  They are dvd reviews of the Foo Fighters live dvd that came out a couple of weeks ago as well as the new Eddie Guerrero dvd.  Well, to all my friends, have a safe and blessed thanksgiving, and to those of you in other parts of the world that are not celebrating thanksgiving on thursday, well, just have a great day and know that I am thankfull that you are my friend.

Till next time

Be Good Or Be Good At It

I'm Off Like A Dress On Prom Night

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