Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Random Memory Of My Past Part 1

When I was young, I grew up in Katy, Tx off of Mason Rd.  I remember living just 2 & 1/2 blocks from the elementary school I was attending at the time so I would always walk back and fourth from home and school.  I remember at the end of our block was a mean ole doverment pincher (SP?) that was always in the backyard of it's owners and if you walked passed the gate to the back yard, it would come towards you at the speed of light and would bark it's head off in all of it's bullying fashion.  Pretty much it wanted you nowhere near it's house and if it ever got lose, you ran for your life.  I remember my best friends back then were Sanmeet Deo (his parents were from India) and Jacob Palmonteer.  Sanmeet lived one long block past the school and Jacob lived down the street from me.  We would always hang out when we could, playing football or watching movies or cartoons, or out in the yard fighting off invisible bad guys or playing with our action figures or nintendo.  I remeber having a cat named Frisky Whiskers, we got him as a Christmas present one time and my sister named him.  He wasn't a family friendly cat, he would hide all over the house, and at times would claw the hell out of the furniture.  I remember we got a dog once, it was a german mix, I named her Sandy and she was my responsibility.  I hated it cause I would have to feed it wet canned dog food everyday and if I forgot my dad would get on my ass about it.  She would tear the bottoms of the fence boards to get into my neighbors fence who didn't have one to stop Sandy from getting out to the front, so I'd have to chase her to get her back to the house.  Finally my dad did something about it and built a fenced area for her to where she couldn't get out but we could get in to feed her.  She eventually got sold to new owners since we couldn't take her when we moved.  I remember the house like I had been living there just yesterday.  3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a living room, den, kitcken area, family dining area, a dining room, fireplace in the middle of the house, built in desk and bookshelves in the den, organ and furniture in the living room, room for the laundry machines, a closet in the middle of the hallway, attic access in the hallway, fullsized 2 car garage, concrete patio in the back big enough for a full size table and chair set, grass in the backyard which was big enough to do a lot of playijng in, the front yard was split off with a sidewalk leading to the front porch so the grass areas were sectioned off between that sidewalk and the main sidewalk that went all up and down the street.  We lived in the suburbs.  Good times, good memories. 

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